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2024 freight market trends: leveraging remote staffing

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The freight and logistics industry always seeks ways to enhance operations, reduce costs, and adjust to market changes. They constantly seek new ideas to improve their business and stay ahead of their competition.

Uliana Shybunka

Uliana Shybunka

Marketing Manager

The aftermath of 2023's soft market, characterized by excess transportation capacity compared to demand, has prompted organizations to rethink their operational strategies.

At Zelh Logistics, we want to help logistics and freight companies improve their operations in 2024. Our team members compiled some insights and predictions we'd like to share to do this. The focus shifts towards leveraging remote staffing from Eastern Europe. This is a viable solution to address these challenges and capitalize on emerging market opportunities.

The 2023 freight market playback

The freight market in 2023 experienced significant challenges, largely because of the softening market where transportation capacity outstripped demand. This imbalance led to decreased freight rates, squeezed profit margins, and heightened competition among freight companies. Factors contributing to this situation included high inventory levels and a decline in consumer spending, further worsened by global economic uncertainties.

2024 Logistics industry trends: Zelh Logistics research

As we venture into 2024, the freight market will gradually improve. Despite progress, there are still many obstacles to overcome on the path to recovery. These include ongoing pressure on profit margins and the challenge of scaling operations cost-effectively.

Freight companies can gain agility, efficiency, and a competitive edge by considering remote staffing from Eastern Europe. This approach is a strategic lever that can help them achieve their goals.

Key point to pay attention in 2024

Brokerages will likely continue facing difficulties despite the market's recovery in 2024. This means they cannot count on a quick or immediate resurgence to solve all their problems.

In 2023, businesses faced several challenges. These included lower sales, reduced profits, increased competition, and varying rates. Companies needed to focus on improving their operational efficiency to address these challenges.

The enhancement of margins is a central objective. Later in the year, as the freight market progressively recovers, priorities will shift. Brokers must prepare for an increased workload as market changes lead to higher volumes. Efficiently organizing operations is key to successfully managing change.

Logistics companies face challenges in managing costs and maintaining operational efficiency in the current market dynamics after the pandemic. According to a report by Armstrong & Associates (2021), these concerns remain on top of the list for such companies.


The freight industry must adapt to changing demand and rates to sustain profitability. As we navigate the evolving freight market landscape of 2024, leveraging remote staffing from Eastern Europe emerges as a strategic solution for logistics and freight companies aiming to enhance operational efficiency, manage costs, and gain a competitive edge. Zelh Logistics is at the forefront of this shift, offering insights and support to help businesses overcome challenges and capitalize on the opportunities ahead.

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